Number of target sites

Off-target search results against genomic sequence. The number of target sites with perfect match is shown. Note that the number displayed here includes both on-target and off-target sites. Smaller number (but not zero) is better for these columns to avoid off-target editing.

  1. Only one match in 20mer+PAM and 12mer+PAM search. These targets are highly specific.
    → Recommended for CRISPR/Cas target. Target positions are highlighted with green (e.g., 163 - 185).
  2. No match in 20mer+PAM search. Possibly the sequence spans over exon-exon junction, so avoid using these.
    → Not recommended for CRISPR/Cas target.
  3. Very high number of off-target hits. Avoid using these sequences.
    → Not recommended for CRISPR/Cas target.
Illustrated overview of specificity check